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Prof. Mircea Dincă, MIT Institute, Princeton University

Dr. Michał Antkoviak, Adam Mickiewicz University

Prof. Collette Boskovic, The University of Melbourne

Prof. Kenneth Caulton, Indiana University

Prof. Lyudmilla Brostein, Indiana University

Dr. Olivier Roubeau, INMA, University of Zaragoza

PhD Graduates

Dr. Diamantoula Maniaki

Dr. Rosa Diego Creixenti

Dr. Mohanad Darawsheh

Dr. Ivana Borilovic

Dr. Verónica Velasco

Dr. Jorge Salinas Uber

Dr. Gavin Craig

Dr. David Aguilà 

Visiting Senior


Dr. Leoní A. Barrios 

Postdoctoral fellow

Dr. Daniel Reta

Beatriu de Pinós Fellow

Dr. David Aguilà 

Juan de la Cierva Fellow

Dr. Carlos Bartual 

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. José Sánchez Costa

Juan de la Cierva Fellow

Dr. Marta Estrader

Juan de la Cierva Fellow

Dr. Albert Figuerola Silvestre

Ramón y Cajal Fellow

Dr. Núria Aliaga-Alcalde

ICREA Jr. Researcher

Dr. Melita Menelaou

Postdoctoral Fellow


Dr. E. Carolina Sañudo

Dr. José Sánchez Costa

Dr. Núria Aliaga-Alcalde

Dr. Leoní A. Barrios

Master Students

Ms. Nuria Capó Serrano

Mr. Pau Rebull Robert

Mr. Pau Ferrerons

Ms. Eugènia Peyrecave

Mr. Juan José Piñero

Ms. Leticia Arnedo

Ms. Verónica Velasco

Mr. David Aguilà

Visiting Students

Ms. Judith Gutiérrez

Mr. Theo Michon

Mr. Manuel Imperato

Ms. Hannah Hedegaard Nielsen

Mr. Florian Trepard

Mr. Oliver Linnenberg

Mr. Stèphane Mellat

Mr. Matheu Flo

TFG Students

Mr. Carlos Poyato

Mr. Pol Vilariño Casau

Mr. Carlos Poyato Santiago

Ms. Gemma Rodríguez

Ms. Núria Capó Serrano

Mr. Arnau Risa Antón

Mr. Joan Cardona

Mr. Marc Arias

Ms. Laura Roldán

Mr. Joan Fernández

Mr. Daniel Hernandez Tamayo

Mr. Arnau Sagristà

Mr. Éric Martinez Illamola

Ms. Raquel García

Ms. Núria Vaz

Mr. Enric Badia

Mr. Luis Martinez

Ms. Celia Villar

Mr. Juan José Piñero

Mr. Guillem Peñuelas

Mr. Marin Gaviño

Mr. Wei Wen Chen Chen

Ms. Irene Uche Pamplona

Ms. Carlota Codina

Mr. Cristian Pérez Padilla

Ms. Charifa Samadi

Ms. Beatriz Juan

Ms. Núria Isern

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