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Abinash Swain

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry,
Inorganic C
hemistry Section

Universitat de Barcelona

Abinash Swain obtained his PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Gopalan Rajaraman on Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Magnetic Relaxation, where he explored the Single Ion Anisotropy and the Anisotropy of the Exchanged Coupled States and the Toroidal Magnetic States for transition metal and lanthanides based molecular nanomagnets. For completion of his doctoral research, he stayed in the University of Heidelberg, Germany, through an exchange program offered by DAAD for three semesters with Prof. Markus Enders, where he worked on the synthesis of organometallic complexes for SMM application and deriving Spin Hamiltonian parameters by para-magnetic spectroscopy. After completing the doctoral research, he returned to Germany to the University of Saarland for a short postdoc with Prof. Dominic Munz, where he worked on isolating triplet carbene and electronic structures of Fe-terminal multiple bonded complexes. After a short stay in Germany, he joined the molecular design lab in January 2024 and is currently exploring the area of single molecular qubits by encapsulating them in metal helicate host moieties and developing para-magnetic NMR tools for the study of magnetic relaxations.

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